Pedemonte M, Diaz M, Medina-Ferret E, Testa M. (2018) Impact of sound stimulation during different sleep stages in patients with tinnitus. Loquens. ISSN: 2386-2637, DOI10.3989/Loquens
Drexler D, López-Paullier M, Rodio S, González M, Geisinger D, Pedemonte M. (2016) Impact of reduction of tinnitus intensity on patients’ quality of life. Int J Audiol. 55(1):11-9.
Pedemonte M, Testa M, Diaz M, Suárez-Bagnasco D. (2014) The Impact of Sound on Electroencephalographic Waves during Sleep in Patients Suffering From Tinnitus. Sleep Sci. 7: 143- 151. ISSN 1984-0659. Open acces, online:
Pedemonte M., Drexler D., Rodio S., Geisinger D., Bianco A., Pol-Fernandes D., Bernhardt V. (2010) Tinnitus treatment with sound stimulation during sleep. The International Tinnitus Journal, 16: 37-43.
Velluti RA, Pedemonte M., Suárez H, Bentancor C, Rodriguez-Servetti Z. (2010) Auditory input modulates sleep: an intra-cochlear implanted human model J. Sleep Res, 19(4): 585-590.
CAPÍTULOS DE LIBROS (por invitación)
Pedemonte M. (2021) Auditory processing during sleep: a clinical application in tinnitus. In: Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (VII), Springer Singapure. DOI 10.1007/978-981-16-0317-4_16, pp: 135-146.
Pedemonte M. (2018) Tinnitus treatment during sleep. In: The auditory system in sleep, RA Velluti (editor), Elsevier-Academic Press, segunda edición, Capítulo 7:161-184. ISBN: 978-0-12-810476-7.
Pedemonte M. (2019) Auditory processing during sleep: a clinical application in tinnitus. VII International Congress of Cognitive Neurodynamics, Alghero, Italy.
Medina-Ferret E; Díaz M; Testa M; Pedemonte M. (2018) Impacto de la estimulación sonora en diferentes etapas del sueño en pacientes con tinnitus (Impact of sound stimulation on different stages of sleep in patients with tinnitus). XVII Congreso de la Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Sueño, FLASS, Uruguay.
Pedemonte M, Díaz M, Medina E, Testa M, Drexler D. (2018) Impact of sound stimulation at different sleep stages in patients with tinnitus. 11th Tinnitus Research Initiative (TRI) Meeting and TINNET Conference 2018, Regensburg, Germany.
Pedemonte M, Testa M. (2014) Changes on electroencephalographic waves during sleep in tinnitus patients treated with sound stimulation at night. ARO, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, California, USA.
Drexler D., Rodio S., Geisinger D., López M., Gonzalez M., Pedemonte M. (2014) Relationship among tinnitus intensity reduction and improvement in the patients´ quality of life, achieved through sound stimulation during sleep. ARO, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, California, USA.
López-Paullier M, Medina-Ferret E, Pedemonte M, Velluti R. A. (2014) Long-latency auditory evoked potentials in unilateral tinnitus patients in wakefulness compared with normal subjects. ARO, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, California, USA.
Pedemonte M, Testa M, Drexler D, López-Paullier M, Rodio S, González M, Geisinger D, Bianco A. (2012) Procesamiento auditivo durante el sueño: la estimulación sonora mejora a los pacientes que padecen tinnitus (Auditory processing during sleep: sound stimulation improves patients with tinnitus). XIV Congreso de la Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Sueño (FLASS), Bogotá, Colombia.
López-Paullier M, Medina-Ferret E, Velluti RA, Pedemonte M. (2012) Auditory evoked potentials changes in patients suffering tinnitus. ARO, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, California, USA.
Drexler D, López-Paullier M, Rodio S, Bianco A, Geisinger D, Pedemonte M. (2011). Sound Stimulation during sleep improves the condition of patients affected by tinnitus. International State-of-the-Science Meeting on Blast-Related Tinnitus, Northern Virginia, USA.
Pedemonte M. (2011) Neurophysiologic bases of tinnitus treatment with sound stimulation during sleep. International State-of-the-Science Meeting on Blast-Related Tinnitus, Northern Virginia, USA.
Pedemonte M, Drexler D, López-Paullier M, Rodio S, Bernhardt V, Bianco A, Geisinger D, Pol Fernandes D, Alvarez M. (2011) A new protocol for tinnitus treatment: sound stimulation during sleep. Clinical and electrophysiological approach. X International Tinnitus Seminar, Florianópolis. Brazil.
Cardinali DP, Velluti RA, Pedemonte M, Pérez-Chada D, Denham PJ. (2010) The use of cochlear implants/hearing aids 24h/7 Days. A working hypothesis. AG Bell Association Biennial Convention, Florida, USA.
Pedemonte M, Pol-Fernandes D, Drexler D. (2010) Sound stimulation during sleep in tinnitus patients provokes changes in the electroencephalographic waves power spectra. XX European Sleep research Societies Congress, Lisboa, Portugal.
Pedemonte M, Drexler D, Rodio S, Bernhardt V. (2009) Sound stimulation during sleep: a therapeutic tool to improve tinnitus. III Congress World Association of Sleep Medicine, Sleep Medicine, 10(2):50.
Velluti R.A., Pedemonte M., Suarez H., Bentancor C., Rodriguez-Servetti Z. (2009) Auditory input re-organizes sleep: an intra-cochlear implanted human model. III Congress World Association of Sleep Medicine. Sleep Medicine, 10(2):62.
López Paullier M; Drexler D; Rodio S; Pedemonte, M. (2008) Una nueva terapéutica para el tinnitus: la estimulación sonora durante el sueño (A new therapy for tinnitus: sound stimulation during sleep). 69na. Jornadas Rioplatenses de Otorrino Laringología, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Pedemonte M, Drexler D, Rodio S, Pol-Fernandes D, Bernhardt V. (2008) Sound Stimulation during Sleep for the Tinnitus Treatment: Trans-disciplinary Approach. XXX Congress of Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Phoenix, Arizona. USA
Pedemonte M, Drexler D, Rodio S, Pol-Fernandes D, Bernhardt V. (2007) Sleep Sound Stimulation for Tinnitus Treatment. 2nd Tinnitus Research Initiative Meeting, Principado de Mónaco, pp:90.
Pedemonte M, Drexler D, Pol-Fernandes D, Bernhardt V. (2007) Tinnitus Treatment with Sound Stimulation during Sleep. Cycle. World Federation of Sleep Medicine Sleep Research Societies, Cairns, Australia. Sleep and Biological Rhythms 5(1): 54.
ANTECEDENTES, investigación básica del procesamiento auditivo durante el sueño
Pedemonte M, Medina-Ferret E, Velluti RA. (2017). Sensory Processing In Sleep: An Approach from Animal to Human Data. In: Synopsis of Sleep Medicine. Ed: P Perumal, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Apple Academic Press, ISBN 9781771883467, Chapter 22: 379-396.
Velluti RA, Pedemonte M. (2015) Procesamiento de la Información Sensorial Durante el Sueño. En: Tratado de Medicina del Sueño. Editora Isabel De Andrés, Editorial Panamericana Madrid. Cap 14: 182-190. ISBN (versión electrónica): 978-84-9835-863-6; ISBN (versión impresa): 978-84-9835-203-0.
Velluti RA, Pedemonte M (2012) Sensory neurophysiologic functions participating in active sleep processes. Sleep Sci.5(4): 103-106. ISSN 1984-0063 (on-line), 1984-0659 (version impresa).
Pedemonte M., Velluti RA. (2011) The Brain Auditory Processing During Behaviour Seen from the Unitary Activity. En: Horizons in Neuroscience, Costa A, Villalba E (Eds), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., (ISBN 978-1-62100-063-1), Vol 6, Chapter 4: 123-146
Velluti RA, Pedemonte M., Suárez H, Bentancor C, Rodriguez-Servetti Z. (2010) Auditory input modulates sleep: an intra-cochlear implanted human model J. Sleep Res, 19(4): 585-590.
Velluti RA, Pedemonte M. (2010) Auditory neuronal networks in sleep and wakefulness. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 20(2): 403-407.
Pedemonte M. (2008) Rhythms and auditory neuronal activity. En: The auditory system in sleep, RA Velluti (editor), Elsevier-Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp: 126-127.
Velluti RA, Pedemonte M. (2006) Sleep and sensory information. Physiological Mini-Reviews, 2: 1-10.
Velluti RA, Pedemonte M. (2005) El sistema auditivo en el ciclo sueño-vigilia.. Rev Neurol, (España), 41(5): 280-286.
Pedemonte M, Velluti RA. (2005) El procesamiento sensorial podría estar organizado en el tiempo por ritmos cerebrales ultradianos. Rev. Neurol, (España), 40(3) :166-172.
Pedemonte M, Velluti RA. (2005) What individual neurons tell us about encoding and sensory processing in sleep. En: The Physiologic Nature of Sleep. P.L.Parmeggiani, R.A.Velluti (Editores), Imperial College Press (London), pp: 489-508.
Pedemonte M, Velluti RA. (2004) Circadian and ultradian rhythms modulating the sensory processing. Hypnos (Brasil), 1(Supl. 1): 85-99.
Velluti RA, Pedemonte M. (2002) In vivo approach to the cellular mechanisms for sensory processing in sleep and wakefulness. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 22(5-6): 501-516.
Pedemonte M. (2002) El ritmo theta del hipocampo: ¿un organizador temporal de la información sensorial y autonómica en la vigilia y el sueño? Vigilia Sueño (España), 14(2): 73-85.
Pedemonte M, Pérez-Perera L, Peña JL, Velluti RA. (2001) Sleep and wakefulness auditory processing: cortical units vs. hippocampal theta rhythm. Sleep Res OnLine, 4(2): 51-57.
Cutrera R, Pedemonte M, Vanini G, Goldstein N, Savorini D, Cardinali DP, Velluti RA. (2000) Auditory deprivation modifies biological rhythms in the golden hamster. Arch. Ital. Biol. 138:285-293.
Velluti RA, Peña JL, Pedemonte M. (2000) Reciprocal actions between sensory signals and sleep. Biol Signals Recept, 9: 297-308.
Pedemonte M. (2000) La información sensorial y su relación con los ritmos biológicos de vigilia-sueño y theta del hipocampo. Actas de Fisiología, 6:71-92.
Torterolo P, Zurita P, Pedemonte M, Velluti RA. (1998) Auditory cortical efferent actions upon inferior colliculus unitary activity in the guinea pig. Neurosci. Letters, 249:172-176.
Pedemonte M, Torterolo P, Velluti RA. (1997) In vivo intracellular characteritics of inferior colliculus neurons in guinea pigs. Brain Res 759(1): 24-31.
Pedemonte M, Peña JL, Torterolo P, Velluti R. (1996) Auditory deprivation modifies sleep in the guinea-pig. Neuroscience Letter, 233:1-4.
Pedemonte M, Peña JL, Velluti R. (1996) Firing of inferior colliculus auditory neuron is phase-locked to the hippocampus theta rhythm during paradoxical sleep and waking. Exp Brain Res, 112: 41-46.
Torterolo P, Pedemonte M, Velluti, R. (1995) Intracellular in vivo recording of inferior colliculus auditory neurons from awake guinea-pigs. Arch. ital. Biol., 134: 57-64.
Pedemonte M, Peña JL, Morales-Cobas G, Velluti R. (1994) Effects of sleep on the responses of single cells in the lateral superior olive. Arch ital Biol, 132: 165-178.
Peña JL, Pedemonte M, Ribeiro MF, Velluti R. (1992). Single unit activity in the guinea-pig cochlear nucleus during sleep and wakefulness. Arch. ital. Biol., 130: 179-189.
Velluti R, Pedemonte M, Peña JL, Morales-Cobas G, Torterolo P. (1991) Auditory brain stem unitary activity in sleep. En: Workshop on Fundamental Neurobiology. García-Austt,E., Macadar, O., Trujillo-Cenóz, O. and Velluti, R. (Eds). Dpto. Publicaciones, U. de la República. Uruguay, p: 83-95.
Velluti R, Pedemonte M, Peña JL. (1990). Auditory brain stem unit activity during sleep phases. Sleep’90, J.A. Horne (Ed), Pontenagel Press. Bochum. p: 94-96.
Velluti R, Pedemonte M, García-Austt E. (1989). Correlative changes of auditory nerve and microphonic potentials throughout sleep. Hearing Research, 39: 203-208.
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